Friday, June 22, 2012

Ducklings help deliver mail at nursing home

53-year-old volunteer mailman Steve Score is walking his daily route at Emmanuel Nursing Home in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Some residents receive letters, others cards. But everyone is getting bills.

The bills don't ask for money. But, they sure make a lot of noise. The girls actually don't quack, they peep. They're called peeper and the pipettes.

That means waddling into action, once they hear the magic words from the mailman - or to them, mom. The ducklings make it to the nursing home every couple of weeks. So, when they do, it makes for a fluffy yellow surprise. Score bought 8-week-old peeper and the 6-week-old pipettes at L-and-M Fleet, also in Detroit Lakes.

"I get to interact with them and the residents, so it's a plus all the way around." With scores' ducks all in a row, the mail is not delivered as quickly as it usually is. But residents' smiles speak more than quacks, or in this case, peeps.

With news video.