But speaking at a function in Rotterdam on Wednesday, the prince admitted he felt ashamed when hurling the orange-coloured ceramic potty given the lack of proper sanitary conditions in the developing world. "Here in the Netherlands there are towns that take part in the throwing of toilet-bowls for a laugh," he said.
"I participated with a smile, but not without shame in thinking about the some 2.6 billion people around the world that do not have this most basic infrastructure to fulfil a daily need with dignity." But competition organiser Jakob Buitenhuis said he found the prince's attitude "childish".
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"Because he won, we even gave him a cup with a little toilet on top with a string you can pull to flush it," Buitenhuis added. Hundreds of thousands of Dutch take to the streets on April 30 every year in orange wigs and bizarre hats to celebrate Queen's Day, a national holiday and annual festival to mark the birthday of Queen Beatrix's mother Queen Juliana.