The charges were filed after police came across four kilogrammes of dynamite hidden in a plastic bag in the man's flat. The man claimed, however, that the bag wasn't his but had instead been left by an acquaintance.

Furthermore, the man explained, he figured the long, cylindrical items contained in the plastic bag were simply sausages. Police bomb experts, however, deemed the bag's explosive contents to be a serious danger to the man and his neighbours. Had the dynamite detonated, it could have been devastating for the entire area, according to police.
The man later admitted that recognized the charges were dynamite because he had, on previous occasions used dynamite to "blow holes in the ice" when going fishing during the winter. However, the Malmö district court didn't buy the man's explanation for why he had the explosives in his flat and never contacted police. The man was found guilty of illegal possession of explosives and fined the equivalent of 60 days' pay.